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Sunday, January 6, 2008

Select Entries from Whole Week

Get all entries from "the whole week" (begin: Monday end: Sunday) from e.g the day sysdate - 222 (today: 20.10.2004) . This means all entries with a date between 08.03.2004 and 14.03.2004 (including the borders !)

create or replace
procedure whole_week (week date) is

total number(6);
day varchar2(20);


select to_char(sysdate,'day') into day from dual;

if day='montag' then
select sum(total) into total from s_ord where date_ordered between week-1 and week+5;

else if day='dienstag' then
select sum(total) into total from s_ord where date_ordered between week-2 and week+4;

else if day='mittwoch' then
select sum(total) into total from s_ord where date_ordered between week-3 and week+3;

else if day='donnerstag' then
select sum(total) into total from s_ord where date_ordered between week-4 and week+2;

else if day='freitag' then
select sum(total) into total from s_ord where date_ordered between week-5 and week+1;

else if day='samstag' then
select sum(total) into total from s_ord where date_ordered between week-6 and week;

else if day='sonntag' then
select sum(total) into total from s_ord where date_ordered between week and week+6;

dbms_output.put_line('kein tag');

end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;



instead of montag you have to write monday and so on...i've hat a german version so i've got this names for the days.

montag is monday

dienstag is tuesday

mittwoch is wednesday

donnerstag is thursday

freitag is friday

samstag is saturday

sonntag is sunday