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Friday, December 7, 2007

Is IMPORT & EXPORT is platform dependent

Please help me to find the soultion for this,,,,

I'll explain u my problem....

1. I have a Unix server Running Oracle 7.2
2. I have a user called 'Namankan' on Oracle DB
3. I have to shift the entire tables of user 'Namankan' from this System to a new server running Windows XP (or NT) with Oracle 8 (Not 8i)

If you are going to suggest me that I spool the entire data into text files and import them by running SQL*Loader in the new system, Pls dont suggest.......coz
i) Data is too large, ii) Table level validations in database will not allow the data to go in.
I have tried making a .dmp file using exp command on Unix Machine with default parameters, and have exported the entire data into a file called Intecons.dmp which is 175 MB, zipped into 28MB

Then I have taken this file onto Windows system with Oracle 8 and tried to import it through Imp80 command

It says
* Invalid Header Information, OS different (some such 2-3 lines)

As suggested by someone in a yahoo chat room, I Have tried to change the header information in .dmp file using a hex editor, I matched it to same as it was in a sample .dmp I made using exp80 command on my windows machine.......... Sometimes, it asks 2-3 questions and after replies starts dumping junk......... sometimes it hangs the system

I also came across to a data extraction program NXTract, however, its similar to spooling of files, even if it extracts data from .dmp file, so it is useless for me


Gawd Hex editor hacking on dmp binary files.... thatz weird!!!
The guy who gave you that advice is either brilliant
....let me leave this here


With the Oracle EXPORT and IMPORT utilities you can transfer data objects between Oracle databases, even if they reside on platforms with different hardware and software configurations.
ie: Dump files also aren't OS-specific; as a result, you can use Export/Import to transfer data between databases on different platforms.


Exporting data from a lower version of oracle into a higher version===no problem
The vice versa ==== got to do it tactically!!

IN your case Puneeth:

From 7.3.3 to 8 => Use the EXPORT 7.3.3 to export the data from the 7.3.3 database and IMPORT 8 to import the data into the 8 database. This should work just fine without any dependancy on the OS.

The PROBLEM of yours could be simple as this:
Did you use ftp to transfer the dmp file from the unix system in to ur target machine?
IF SO: did you type


before you did the transfer?

When transferring the export dump file over a network, the file has to be transmitted in binary mode.

Transmitting export files in character mode (ASCII) causes errors when the file is imported.

If the problem is still not solved post the errors that are being logged so that we could actually understand the problem come up with some clear cut answer!!!

I see that you have actually posted a similar posting somewhere where you have suggested to pay the person who helps you get through this.... so is that offer still valid here :+)

As per oracle corp:

When creating an export dump file for an import into a higher release database (e.g.: from Oracle8i to Oracle9i), use a version of the EXPORT utility that is equal to the version of the source database (= lowest version = Oracle8i in this case).
The export FAILS if you use a HIGHER release export version.

For example, if you use the export 9.0.1 utility the export data from an 8.1.7 database, you will get the errors:

EXP-56 Oracle error 942 encountered
ORA-942 table or view does not exist
EXP-0 Export terminated unsuccessfully

Solution: use the lowest release export utility (8.1.7 in this case).

Hence I dnt think you can use oracle8 exp on the oracle7.3 database and get things right....!!

And i totally agree HEX editor on dmp files==bad idea.