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Monday, November 26, 2007

Problem Running 'ckrorole.sql' in Sqlplus

I've recently installed my Oracle 9i database and developers suite and I've created the repository owner and I've created my tablespaces to use in oracle 9i designer but I'm having problems granting roles to the repository owner.

I can login to sqlplus.exe but I can't seem to run the 'ckrorole.sql' file which as far as I know is used to grant roles to the repository owner. I keep getting the following message whenever I try to run it.

By the way, I'm using Windows XP.

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Fri Oct 22 19:05:07 2004

Copyright © 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

Enter user-name: sys@orcl as sysdba
Enter password:

Connected to:
Personal Oracle9i Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options
JServer Release - Production

SQL> @orahome1\repadm61\utl\ckrorole.sql
SP2-0310: unable to open file "orahome1\repadm61\utl\ckrorole.sql"

The following happens whenever I try to run it the traditional way.

SQL> run d:\orahome1\repadm61\ckrorole.sql
SP2-0103: Nothing in SQL buffer to run.

What do I need to do to get the 'ckrorole.sql' script to run?

Make sure this: orahome1\repadm61\utl\ is a valid directory -- try specifying the FULL path.

I did check. It is a valid directory. I found the file by searching for it in the windows XP search companion. The full path for that file is 'D:\OraHome1\REPADM61\UTL\CKROROLE.SQL'. This is exactly how windows recognises this file. ('D:\' being the 2nd partition of my 40 Gb Hard drive, 'C:\' being the 1st partition.)

What do you mean by 'full path' exactly? Add the 'd:\' onto the statement?

I found the problem. The code wasn't typed in properly. This is the correct code:


(Where 'D:' is the letter of the drive or hard disk partition that the database is installed on)


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